Event Marketing: How to Successfully Promote Events, Festivals, Conventions, and Expositions

(WallPaper) #1

  1. Track Your Ads.This is even more important if you are
    placing multiple ads at the same time. The simplest way is
    to place a key code at the end of an e-mail or URL address.
    You can code an e-mail by following this format when es-
    tablishing your e-mail address: yourname@yourdomain.
    com?subjectezineA. Or you can use a free Web statistics
    1.Tr y : http://www.hitbox.com
    1.Tr y : http://www.openwebscope.com

  2. Target Your Audience.By using the “subject categories” in
    an ezine directory listing, you will be able to find an ezine
    that relates to your event audience.

  3. Subscribe to the Ezine First.Once you have chosen a num-
    ber of ezines that target your particular audience, subscribe
    to them first and examine their ads closely. If you see a re-
    peating ad, you can guess that it’s getting good results.

  4. How Many Ads Appear in Each Issue?Check the ezine for
    the number of ads. If there is an abundance of ads, the re-
    sponse rate is probably not too great. Readers of these pub-
    lications may have begun ignoring the ads.

  5. Are There Any Competing Ads?Your ad will be much
    more effective if there is no competition in the issue.

  6. Small Ezine Versus Large Ezine?Bigger is not always bet-
    ter. The larger publications often have more advertisers,
    which means you may not be as visible. And smaller ezines
    may be more targeted.

  7. Repeat!Research shows that, off the Web, an ad has to be
    seen nine times before someone acts on it. Many ezines of-
    fer discount packages. If your budget is very small, try to
    advertise at least three times per publication.

  8. E-mail Address Versus URL?By giving an e-mail address
    as opposed to a URL link, you are able to send a powerful,
    targeted response. It is also much easier to track an e-mail
    than a URL address.

  9. Offer Something Free.

  10. Keep Your Ad Short.Shorter ads are more likely to be read.
    Keep sentences short and use the word “you.” Instead of
    describing the event, tell readers why they must attend.

Get more information on the “Free Directory of Ezines” at

66 Chapter 3 Electronic Event Marketing Strategies

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