Religious Studies Anthology

(Tuis.) #1

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Religious Studies – Anthology

  1. Swinburne also modifies t he t radit ional exc lusivist doc t rine t hat salvat ion is
    c onfined to Christians, so that ext ra ec c lesiam nulla salus, by adding that non-
    Christians may have an opportunity to be c onverted beyond this life. T his epic yc le
    of theory, although departing from established teac hing about the finality of death,
    is the only refuge left for one who is in general doc trinally fundamentalist but who
    does not wish to have to defend a manifest ly morally repugnant posit ion.

I thus do not find at all attractive or convincing this latest attempt to
rehabilitate the c onc eption of salvation as being brought about by Jesus’ death as
an atonement to God for human sin.

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