MATLAB Object-Oriented Programming

(Joyce) #1

  • SourceOfEvent — An object of the class that defines the event. The event is
    triggered on this object.

  • EventName — The name of the event defined in the class events code block.

  • @listenerCallback — a function handle referencing the function that executes in
    response to the event.

For example, create a listener object for the StateChange event:

function lh = createListener(src)
lh = addlistener(src,'StateChange',@handleStateChange)

Define the callback function for the listener. The callback function must accept as the first
two arguments the event source object and an event data object:

function handleStateChange(src,eventData)

See Also

Related Examples

  • “Listener Lifecycle” on page 11-28

  • “Implement Property Set Listener” on page 11-11

See Also
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