MATLAB Object-Oriented Programming

(Joyce) #1
DefaultAsset Class Code

classdef DefaultAsset < financial.Assets
% file: +financial.@DefaultAsset/DefaultAsset.m
properties (SetAccess = private)
Type = "DefaultAsset"
function obj = DefaultAsset
obj.Description = 'Place holder';
function value = getCurrentValue(~)
value = 0;

Operating on an Assets Array

The Assets class defines these methods to operate on heterogeneous arrays of asset

  • pie — Creates a pie chart showing the mix of asset types in the array.

  • makeReport — Uses the MATLAB table object to display a table of asset

To operate on a heterogeneous array, a method must be defined for the class of the
heterogeneous array and must be sealed. In this case, the class of heterogeneous arrays
is always the Assets class. MATLAB does not use the class of the individual elements of
the heterogeneous array when dispatching to methods.

makeReport Method Code

The Assets class makeReport method builds a table using the common properties and
getCurrentValue method for each object in the array.

function makeReport(obj)
numMembers = length(obj);
descs = cell(1,numMembers);
types(numMembers) = "";
values(numMembers) = 0;
for k = 1:numMembers
descs{k} = obj(k).Description;

20 Designing Related Classes

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