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- Publication title: ASTRONOMY2. Publication no.: 531-350
- Filing date: October 1, 20214. Issue frequency: Monthly
- Number of issues published annually: 126. Annual subscription price: $58.95
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Publication required. Printed in the January 2022 issue of this publication.18. I certify that all information furnished on this form is true and complete.
Nicole McGuire, Senior Vice President, Consumer Marketing. Date: September 28, 2021.
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2022 Observer’s Handbook ................... 3
Armstrong Metalcrafts....................... 66
Bob Berman Tours............................ 3
Bob’s Knobs ................................. 66
Celestron.................................... 68
Insight Cruises............................... 67
iOptron ...................................... 2
Metamorphosis Jewelry Design.............. 66
Oberwerk ................................... 66
Rainbow Symphony ......................... 61
Revolution Imager............................ 2
Scope Buggy................................. 2
Technical Innovations ....................... 66
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