Huge Profits with Affiliate Marketing:

(ff) #1

Some people use a download page to deliver this free
giveaway, but I prefer to include it in my first email
message to them. This ensures that they have given me a
valid email address, and allows me to start connecting with
them in that first email. You must deliver on your promise
by making sure your prospect receives the information they
requested promptly.

The most important part of this part, and what I want to
emphasize to you, is that you must make a compelling offer
to your prospects with the title of what you are giving
them. If they are not sold on your free giveaway, you will
spend lots of additional time unnecessarily on building
your list. Think about the lists you join, and why you were
willing to give that person your name and email address.
Most likely it was because the title of the free giveaway and
the offer they expressed were powerful enough to move you
to take action. That's exactly what you need to do on your
own sites.

Free download pdf