Huge Profits with Affiliate Marketing:

(ff) #1
blog post, I simply referred to that list. Make sure
the keywords are in the titles, and don't worry
about the body of your article or post; if you are
writing about scuba diving in Hawaii, you will be
including those phrases naturally when you write.

  1. Look for products that you can bundle together.
    What I mean by this is that you will want to
    promote products and services that naturally go
    together. I may promote something on blogging
    from Denise Wakeman one week – her training is
    at:, and the
    following week I might promote Marlon Sanders'
    traffic dashboard: I
    also have my own products on these topics now, so
    over time I will have many products to bundle
    together that make sense to my target audience.

  2. Start every promotion with an article on that topic.
    I like to launch my promotions by writing an article
    and submitting it to the article directories. I know
    that the article will be published within a couple of
    days, and that will start sending targeted traffic to
    the sales letter, or my optin page, if I have set it up
    that way.

  3. Start building your own list from the very
    beginning. Your list is your most valuable asset in
    your online business. I have heard many top
    marketers say that if you took everything away from

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