Huge Profits with Affiliate Marketing:

(ff) #1

Part 1:


As I was writing my first book – Huge Profits with a Tiny
List: 50 Ways to Use Relationship Marketing to Increase
Your Bottom Line
– it dawned on me that I should have
written a book on affiliate marketing first. This is the topic
that I am now best known for, and have been for a few
years now.

I now speak about how to build a profitable business with
affiliate marketing at live events all over the country. In my
presentations I share how this is the online marketing
method that took me from not making any money at all
online to earning six figures a year by 2007, just eighteen
months after I decided to come online. My goal is to share
this information with everyone who dreams of having an
online business they can run from their home computer, or
from wherever they happen to be.

I also speak on the topic of making money with a tiny list.
Even though you may already know this is crucial to your
online business success, I thought my readers would
appreciate knowing exactly what to do to monetize their
small lists from the very beginning. In fact, I was earning
six figures a year when I had only 650 names on my list.

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