Huge Profits with Affiliate Marketing:

(ff) #1

My First Experience

My first experience with making money as an affiliate
marketer came in the spring of 2006. I had been studying
Internet marketing for about four or five months at that
point, and was becoming more confused every day. I had
read about a site called Clickbank, where you could find
digital products to promote. Each one paid at least fifty
percent commission, and there were more than a hundred
thousand products to choose from. I was anxious to make
some money, just to prove to myself that I could do this, so
I ventured over to Clickbank and began looking around.

At this time I was still not sure what my niche would be, so
I had started several blogs as a way to „find my voice‟ and
to get more experience writing on the Internet. I took a
look at what I had and decided that my blog about training
small dogs – I referred to this as my „dog blog‟ – would be
the best one to use to look for a product that could be
recommended to my readers. There were several eBooks
and audio training programs on dogs available there, so I
purchased one just to see what it would be like.

I was amazed at the quality of the content I received for
only thirty-seven dollars. I had written about small dogs
for a couple of months by then, and this information was
far superior to anything I would be able to put together.
Someone I was taking an article marketing course from at

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