Huge Profits with Affiliate Marketing:

(ff) #1

exponentially. My first year was much slower than this,
because I did not have anyone to explain to me how to set
up my business and plan out my promotions in the detail
that I am providing for you here in this book. Now I am
able to set up a new affiliate product as often as I like, and
sometimes that means two or three new products each

But take it slowly while you are learning. I want you to
understand the power of what I am teaching here, so it is
crucial that you read each section and then take action by
implementing what you have learned. If you are willing to
work your way through the process, rather than just
reading your way through this book, your results will
increase dramatically and you will have created a
sustainable business for many years of online income.

Selling Physical Products

This book is not about recommending physical products,
but you certainly may do so if that is of interest to you. My
experience with selling physical products did not leave me
with a desire to continue this as a part of my business
model. I started with eBay back in 1999, before they went
public and everything exploded. I had already been selling
computers and computer accessories at the trade shows

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