Huge Profits with Affiliate Marketing:

(ff) #1

There truly is a lot more money doing the activity of
Internet marketing than doing it. However, what you never
hear about is this: Most gurus do it for the recognition.

Everyone likes to get validation for their ideas and genius.
There's nothing like the rush of giving a speech at a
seminar and being swarmed by admirers in the hall filled
with questions.

While it's commonly believed that gurus do it for the
money, the plain truth is they do it for the recognition.

Secret 2: Being a successful guru is hard work.

Most gurus talk about the glamorous parts of the business
like travel, setting their own schedule and large paydays.

But doing coaching programs, flying and speaking at
seminars, speaking at webinars, lining up affiliates for
product launches and managing employees are all a lot of

Not that it seems like work because most gurus truly love
what they do. But the average person would say that the
business involves a lot of effort and hard work.

Secret 3: There is no magic bullet.

Web marketing is much like magic tricks. There really is no
trick but there's a secret. The secret makes it appear to be

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