(Dana P.) #1

Hindu Religious Studies 101

Keeping Promises and Patriotism

We are human beings. We live together in a society. For collective
living we have to abide by some rules and regulations; for
examples, keeping promises, maintaining regularity, perseverance,
patriotism etc. Regularity is the habit of following rules and
regulations. It also means doing the duties in time. For example,
reading at the time of reading, playing at the time of playing.
Perseverance means continuous endeavours. 'If you can't do it at one
attempt then try it hundred times'. No man can prosper in life
without perseverance.

Keeping promises is also a quality of human beings. Keeping
promises means to maintain consistency in words and deeds. It is
also a religious virtue. Keeping promises brings virtue to oneself
and welfare to a society. It is a sin not to keep a promise. Breaking
promises brings chaos and evil in a society.
Patriotism is also a noble virtue of man. It is a part of religion.
Patriotism means to love the country where we live in. It also means
to work for the development of the country. Above all it means to
protect a country's independence from external aggression.
To be a real human being and a pious soul, a man has to possess the
qualities like keeping promises, regularity, perseverance, patriotism
etc. More to it, a man has to apply them in his life.
We shall practise keeping promises, showing our patriotism and
other attributes of similar kind.
Two stories are given below about keeping promises and patriotism
from our religious book the Mahabharata:
Karna Keeps His Promises

Karna was a famous hero of the Mahabharata. He was not only
famous for his heroism, but also for his charity and quality for
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