(Dana P.) #1

Hindu Religious Studies 125
god took birth as Rama in the house of pious king Dasharatha. Rama
with his wife Sita and brother Lakshmana went to the forest to abide
by the truth of his father. Ravana kidnapped Sita from this forest.
There was a terrible fight between Rama and Ravana for rescuing
Sita. Ravana was destroyed along with his entire family. Rama
rescued Sita. The earth was saved from the oppression of the
Rakshas. There was peace back again in the heaven and earth. We
can know everything about Rama from the Ramayana.

8) Balarama Avotar:
It was the age of Dwapor. At that time many of the kings of the
earth had become oppressors. Their oppression caused disorder on
the earth. Then God appeared as Balarama for the peace of men.
Balarama's father was Vasudeva. He was the elder brother of

Balarama was the greatest hero of 'Goda War'. He used to have a
plough in his hand. He fought with this 'hal' or plough-shaped
weapon. So he is called haldhar or haliram. Balarama punished
many oppressor kings. It removed the distress of men. Peace and
religion were established in the country.
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