(Dana P.) #1

Hindu Religious Studies 131

  1. Put tick marks ( ) on correct answers:
    a) Avotar with the partial figure of Ishwara is called

  2. Angsho Avotar 2. Shaktyabesh Avotar

  3. Gunavotar 4. Brahma.
    b) Who of the following is 'Gunavotar'?

  4. Balarama 2. Buddha

  5. Vyasa 4. Vishnu
    c) According to the Puranas, in how many Avotars Vishnu
    has revealed himself?

  6. seven 2. eight

  7. nine 4. ten
    d) The name of the father of Prahlad was

  8. Hiranyaksha 2. Satyabrata

  9. Hiranyakshipu 4. Gautam Buddha
    e) For how many times Parshurama fought against the
    oppressor Kshatriyas to destroy them?

  10. twenty times 2. twenty-one times

  11. twenty-two times 4. twenty-three times.

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