(Dana P.) #1

150 Hindu Religious Studies
either. We are leaving our occupied place today and going to our
own place. Please forgive us.
Saying this, the leader of the elephants left the place along with his
companions as they bowed to Chondrodeva.
This is how small creatures defeated the elephants by dint of their
intelligence. They drove away the elephants which were bigger and
stronger than them. They began to live by the side of the lake
Intelligence is greater than might.
The saying goes, 'Intelligence is the strength.'


  1. Answer the following questions:
    a. Who lived by the side of the lake? What caused them
    b. Why did the herd of the elephants come by the side of
    the lake from the forest? Why did they stay there?
    c. What did the leader of the rabbits say to the rabbits?
    d. What did the old rabbit say to the leader of the
    e. Why did the leader of the elephants go back from the
    side of the lake?
    f. Write the story `Greater intelligence in a smaller brain'

  2. Answer the following questions in short :
    a) What did the old rabbit say after listening to their leader?
    b) When did the old rabbit go to the leader of the elephants?
    c) What was the message of Chondrodeva? Did Chondrodeva
    send any message /
    d) What did the rabbit do to make understand the anger of
    e) What did the leader of the elephants say watching the
    swinging of the moon in the lake?
    f) What moral do we learn from the story, 'Greater intelligence
    in a smaller brain'?

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