(Dana P.) #1

26 Mantra, Sloka And Prayer Poems
The son of Brahmin was very pious. He uttered the name of goddess
Lakshmi in silence despite all his distress. He prayed, 'Mother,
please remove our distress. I shall worship you all my life.'

One night the Brahmin widow gave her son a piece of sweetmeats to
eat secretly. The aunt overlooked it. Then she complained to her
husband about the Brahmin widow and her son. On that very day, he
drove away his sister and nephew from his house.

It was a dark night. They lost their way as they walked towards an
unknown destination. After some time they reached a forest. The
mother and her son were at a loss. They lay down under a tree there.

On the next morning they woke up gazing at a very beautiful old
lady. She was standing before them. She had a small packet in her
hand. The old lady said, 'My child, you seem to be starving. I am
Lakshmi, I am giving you some paddy. Sell half of this paddy in the
shop near the forest and buy something to eat. Scatter the rest of the
paddy on a piece of fallow land. It will bring you good fortune.
There is a hut made of leaves on the other side of this field. Take
shelter there.' Saying so, Lakshmi in the guise of an old woman,
went away.

The Brahmin lady and her son sold half of the paddy as mother
Lakshmi advised them. They bought food with that money and ate
the same. Then they bowed to mother Lakshmi with folded hands.
The son of Brahmin scattered the remaining paddy around the field.
At night the mother and her son slept in the hut. The next morning
the Brahmin son saw a beautiful scenery. The uncultivated land was
full of golden paddy. The joy of the mother and her son was
boundless. They sold the paddy and got much money. They
worshipped goddess Lakshmi with utmost devotion.

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