(Dana P.) #1
58 Religious Books, The Ramayana, And The Mahabharata

The Forest Event (Aranya Kanda):

Rama, Lakshmana and Sita started living in the forest. Thirteen
years had passed. At that time a danger appeared. Ravana was the
king of Lanka then. It was an island. It was very difficult to reach
there. Ravana came from Lanka and abducted Sita. He then took her
to Lanka with him.

The Kishkinda Event (Kanda)

Rama and Lakshmana started searching for Sita. Continuing their
search, they reached the monkey kingdom Kishkinda. There lived
the monkey tribe. One of their heroes named Sugriva became friend
of Rama and Lakshmana. He was the younger brother of Vali, the
king of Kishkinda. But there were disagreements between the two
brothers. Rama agreed to help Sugriva. Vali got killed. Sugriva
became the king of Kishkinda. Sugriva and Rama sent the monkey
soldiers in various directions in search of Sita.

The Beautiful Event (Sundara Kanda)

A bird named Sampati gave the whereabouts of Sita. He informed
that Ravana had taken Sita to Lanka. They would have to rescue Sita
from Lanka. Sugriva's monkey army was ready to do that. But
Lanka was surrounded by the ocean. How could they reach there?
They could find no way to cross the ocean. Pabannandan Hanuman
came forward to rescue them from this situation. Hanuman
expanded his body to enormous proportions on Mahendra mountain.
Then in one jump he reached Lanka. Lanka looked very beautiful.
The palaces of Lanka were made of gold. Horses, elephants and
chariots were kept in the gate of the palace. Precious things were all
around the palace. A beautiful garden stood there with many ponds
in it.

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