(Dana P.) #1

Hindu Religious Studies 63

  1. Answer the questions in short:
    (a) What is the Upanishada?
    (b) What is the language of the original Ramayana? Who is the
    Bangla translator of the original Ramayana?
    (c) Write down the names of the seven Kandas of the
    (d) What did Bharata do after coming back from his maternal
    uncle's house?
    (e) Who became Rama's friend in the Kishkinda Kanda?
    How did he help Rama?

  2. Fill in the blanks:
    (a) is the main religious book of the Hindus.
    (b) The Vedas are divided into __ parts.
    (c) Saint Valmiki wrote the original Ramayana in
    (d) Janaka had __daughters.
    (e) To hear Kaikeyi Dasharatha was
    (f) Rama would go for exile for __ years.
    (g) Bharata came back with Rama's _____.
    (h) Rama killed __ with the weapon named
    (i) Rama, Sita and Lakshmana went back to __.

  3. Write 'True' or 'False' against the following statements :
    (a) In Shrishrichandi there is a story of Shaktidevi or the
    mother of power.
    (b) Krittibas wrote the Ramayana in Sanskrit.
    (c) The Shrishrichandi is a Holy Book of the Hindus.
    (d) Bharata was in Ayodhya when Rama went to the
    forest in exile.
    (e) Manthara gave Kaikeyi evil advice.
    (f) Dasaratha gave Kaikeyi evil advice.

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