(Dana P.) #1

74 Religious Books, The Ramayana, And The Mahabharata
the Jadavas took Shamva to them in the guise of a pregnant woman.
They asked the Maharshis if this lady would give birth to a son or a
daughter. The Maharshis became angry at the trickery they played
with them. They said that Shamva would give birth to an iron club.
This club would destroy the Jadavas dynasty.

Krishna knew that the time of destruction of the Jadu dynasty was
knocking at the door. So he did nothing about it. Next day Shamva
gave birth to an iron club. Krishna ordered them to crush the club
and throw it into the sea. It was done so. Later Sharavan (a forest of
arrows) grew in the place where the club was crushed.

One day the Jadavas went on a pilgrimage to Pravasha. There they
made much fun and frolic. Suddenly they picked a quarrel that
turned into a fight. They picked up the arrows from the Sharavan
and started hitting each other. These caused their death. All this
happened in front of Krishna's eyes.

Then Krishna went in search of Balarama. Balarama died in front of
Krishna. The sad Krishna was lying in a forest after losing
Balarama. All on a sudden a hunter shot an arrow at the feet of
Krishna taking him for a deer. This caused Krishna's death.

All this news reached Hastinapura. Having received this ill news
Arjuna rushed to Daraka. He started for Hastinapura with Bajro, the
grandson of Krishna and the women folk of Daraka. A strange thing
happened. No sooner had Arjuna left Daraka than it sank into the
sea. On the other hand Arjuna became powerless. On the way back
Arjuna suffered in the hands of bandits.

Vyasa heard the tragic story of Arjuna. Then he said Arjuna should
no longer stay in this world. He had completed his work and hence
the tragedy took place.

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