(Dana P.) #1

88 Holiness and Cleanliness

Simplicity, Generosity And Good Manners

(A) Simplicity

Simplicity is a noble virtue. It is a property of human character. The
easy and humble state of mind is called simplicity. Only the
religious and honest people have this quality.

Simplicity is expressed in conversation, manner, behaviour and even
in the dress of a person. A person with simplicity hides no truth. He
deceives none. Humble is his life. He is satisfied with simple clothes
and common food. A simple person believes the words of his elders
as true.

Simplicity is part of religion. A simple mind is fit for the meditation
of Ishwara. A person wins affection of all by dint of his nature.
Everybody loves a humble person.

One cannot be religious without simplicity. We shall also become
simple. We shall speak the truth. We shall walk on the right path.
We shall not conceal truth. We shall not even hesitate to confess our
own faults. We shall exercise simplicity in our day-to-day life. We
shall remember:
Most precious clothes and jewels
Can't augment the nobility of mankind.
Knowledge, clothes and religion as ornaments
Can extend the greatness of mankind.

The mercy of God can be attained by simplicity. Let us listen to a
story about simplicity.
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