(Dana P.) #1

Hindu Religious Studies 91
On the other hand, your mind is full of delight and peace if you can
do something for others. The real happiness lies in generosity. Poet
Kamini Roy says,
Sacrificing your interest for the sake of others
Give all your life and mind,
Is there any happiness like that
Forget the interest of your own kind.

Let us listen to a story of a saint. He forgot his own interest for the
sake others.

Generosity of Dodhichi

Long long ago. There lived a saint called Dadhichi in the woods of
Naimisharanya. He worshipped Lord Shiva. On one hand, he
worshipped hard and on the other he prayed for the welfare of all the
creatures of the world. Wishing good for the others was one of the
religious vows of his life.

At that time, a giant called Britra became very powerful. He got a
boon by dint of divine contemplation from Shiva. The boon was that
he could not be killed by any weapon. This made more and more
aggressive. He captured the kingdom of heaven. He drove out
Devaraj Indra and other gods from the heaven. The gods took shelter
to Lord Shiva.
Lord Shiva advised them to go to Vishnulok or the realm of Vishnu.
There Bhagaban Vishnu might give them appropriate advice. The
gods then went to Vishnulok and started eulogizing Vishnu.
Vishnu was satisfied at their eulogy and said, 'Go all of you to the
saint Dadhichi Muni of Naimisharanya.'

The saint Dadhichi received them all with due respect and honour. Then
they wanted to know the purpose of their coming. Devoraj Indra informed

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