(Ben Green) #1
Fig. 4.44 Composite in situ and precast concrete. Precast
units of complex shape are used here in conjunction with
in situ concrete to form a composite floor deck with an
efficient 'improved' cross-section.

fit' problem and the provision of structural
continuity. In situ concrete can also be used to
allow more complex or irregular overall forms
to be adopted.

4.4.2 Structural forms - cast-in-situ forms Introduction
Reinforced concrete cast-in-situ forms are used
principally for multi-storey buildings in which a
frame-type structure is required. The form of
the structure is determined by the same factors
as influence the design of all structures, which
are the need to provide effective resistance to

Fig. 4.45 Four basic types of reinforced concrete struc-
(a) Two-way-spanning ribless flat-slab.
(b) One-way-spanning ribbed flat-slab.
(c) One-way-spanning slab supported on rigid frame.
(d) One-way-spanning slab supported on loadbearing

both gravitational and lateral load, and to
achieve reasonable economy in the use of
material. Although the mouldability of
concrete theoretically gives the designer a wide
choice of frame geometries, the need to
minimise costs normally favours the use of
rectilinear arrangements which require simple
patterns of reinforcement and formwork. The
variety of multi-storey forms which are used in

Structural Design for Architecture


Table 4.1 Span ranges and size requirements for the four basic types of in situ reinforced concrete

Structure type Span range (m) Span/Depth Column/wall
Reinforced Pre-stressed Reinforced Pre-stressed slendemess

One-way-span slab 4X6 to 8X11 8X11 to 8X14 25 36 15 to 20
Two-way-span slab: solid 4X4 to6 X 6 6X6to10X10 25 to 30 30 to 35 15to20
coffered 6X6 to 18X18 8X8 to 20X20 35 30 15 to 20
Beam/Column frame:
one-way-span slab 3X6 to 6X12 6X12 to 8X15 slab 36 36 15 to 20
beam 15 to 20 20 to 25
two-way-span slab 4X4 to 8X8 8X8 to 15X15 slab 36 36 15 to 20
beam 15 to 20 20 to 25
Loadbearing wall:
one-way-span slab 3 to 12 36 15 to 20
two-way-span slab 3X3 to 12X12 36


(a) (c)

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