(Ben Green) #1

Structural Design for Architecture

sive collapse cannot occur and specify limits
within which the collapse which is caused by a
single incident must be contained. These
regulations apply to all types of building but
are particularly relevant to the overall planning
of masonry structures which are more vulner-
able to this form of collapse than other types.
As with all of the Building Regulations,
however, the requirement is no more difficult
to meet than that which a responsible designer
would in any case wish to impose.
In practice the satisfaction of the require-
ments in respect of progressive collapse is
not difficult with a masonry structure. Both
common sense and the Building Regulations
dictate that, in these exceptional circum-
stances, the concern should be with the
preservation of life rather than with the
preservation of the building itself. A consid-
erable amount of damage to the building is
therefore acceptable, following an incident,
so long as the occupants are neither injured
nor trapped as a consequence of it. The
factor of safety against the total collapse of a
damaged building can be very low, and a
figure of 1.05 is specified in the Building
Most masonry structures are capable of
'bridging' a gap in the structure with this
degree of safety if certain rudimentary precau-
tions are taken during the design. These
usually amount to the incorporation of certain
details into the wall-to-wall and wall-to-floor
junctions so as to improve the integrity of the
structure, and the insertion of a certain
amount of reinforcement into key walls and
piers. It is not usually necessary for any major
alteration to be made for this purpose to the
structural form which is required to resist the
normal gravitational and horizontal loads. For
this reason the specific design requirements in
respect of the prevention of progressive
collapse are not dealt with here.

Fig. 5.42 Plan dimensions of walls.
(a) Plain cavity wall.
(b) Fin wall.
(c) Diaphragm wall.


Table 5.3 Wall dimensions for tall single-storey
masonry structures

Wall Plain
height cavity Fin wall Diaphragm wall
(m) ti(mm) tp (mm) T (mm) D (mm) S (mm)

3 215 - - - -
4 327.5 665 440 - -
5 440 890 440 - -
6 - 1012.5 440 557.5 1360
7 - 1340 440 557.5 1135
8 - 1340 440 557.5 910
9 - - - 665 1135
10 - - - 665 910

Fig. Fig. 5.42b Fig. 5.42c
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