(Ben Green) #1

Structural Design for Architecture


and parallel-sided, and which lend themselves

to use in straight-sided frameworks. Most steel

structures therefore have a regular, rectilinear

geometry. The range of possible forms has

been extended in recent years by the develop-

ment of techniques for bending rolled sections

into curved shapes and by the increased use of

casting to produce structural steel elements.

However, the fact that all steel structures are

prefabricated tends to require that regular and

repetitive structural geometries be adopted

even though the individual components are of

irregular or curvilinear shape.

A typical steel-frame building thus has a

relatively simple overall form and an interior

which is open and unencumbered by structural

walls. Great freedom is therefore available to

the designer so far as the internal planning of

such buildings is concerned: the interior

volumes may be left large or they may be

subdivided by non-structural partition walls;

different arrangements of rooms may be

adopted at different levels and a free choice is

available in the treatment both of the external

walls and of the internal partitions.

An advantage of prefabrication is that steel

structural elements are manufactured and pre-

assembled in conditions of very high quality

control. Great precision is possible and this,

together with the slenderness which results

from high strength, means that structures of

great elegance can be produced. Steel is there-

fore frequently selected as much for its

aesthetic qualities and for the stylistic treat-

ment which it makes possible as for its struc-

tural performance.

Reinforced concrete, the other 'strong'

material, is of lower strength than steel with

the result that equivalent structural elements

are more bulky. It too is used principally in

skeleton-frame structures of regular geometry

and therefore offers similar advantages to steel

in respect of internal planning and exterior


Concrete structures are normally manufac-

tured on the building site by the pouring of

liquid concrete into temporary formwork struc-

tures of timber or steel which are specially

made to receive it. This allows a wide choice of

Fig. 1.17 Goetheanum, Eurhythmeum, 'Glashaus' studio,
Dornach, Switzerland, 1924-28. Rudolf Steiner, architect.
The complexity of form which is possible with in situ
reinforced concrete is well illustrated here. [Photo: E. & F.

element shape to be available. Continuity

between elements is also easily achieved and

the resulting statical indeterminacy^5 facilitates

the production of structures of complicated

form. Irregular geometries in both plan and

cross-section, with cantilevering floor slabs,

tapering elements and curvilinear forms may

all be produced more easily in reinforced

5 See Macdonald, Structure and Architecture, Appendix 3, for
an explanation of the phenomenon of statical indeter-
minacy and its relevance to the determination of struc-
tural form.
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