(Ben Green) #1

Structural Design for Architecture

If the size of cross-section does not vary along
the length of an element the magnitude of the
stress is the same at all locations.
The size of cross-section which is required
for a particular tensile element is calculated
from the following variation of the above

Areq = P/fatp (A2.2)

where:Areq = area of cross-section required
P = applied axial load
fatp = maximum permissible axial
tensile stress

The area of cross-section which is required in
practice is normally slightly larger than that
given by (A2.2) due to complications with the
end connection.^1 In particular, the need to
allow for the effect of stress concentrations
around fastening elements, such as bolts and
screws, and for any eccentricity which may be
present in the connection (such as might occur
where a steel angle element is connected
through one leg only) normally require that a
slightly larger cross-section be adopted than is
given by equation (A2.2). For the purpose of
approximate element sizing the adoption of
the very crude device of simply increasing the
size of the cross-section calculated from
equation (A2.2) by 15% will normally give a
satisfactory result.

A2.3.3 Elements subjected to bending

A2.3.3.1 Calculation of bending stress
Bending stress occurs in an element if the
external loads cause bending moment to act
on its cross-sections. The magnitude of the
bending stress varies within each cross-section
from peak values in tension and compression
in the extreme fibres on opposite sides of the
cross-section, to a minimum stress in the

1 The making of satisfactory tensile connections is one of
the classic problems of structural engineering. See
Gordon, |. E., Structures, Harmondsworth, 1978,
250 Section 2 for a discussion of this.

Fig. A2.1 Distribution of bending stress. Where bending-
type load is present the resulting bending stress on each
cross-section varies from maximum tension on one side to
maximum compression on the other.

centre (at the centroid) where the stress
changes from compression to tension (Fig.
A2.1). It will normally also vary between cross-
sections due to variation in the bending
moment along the length of the element.
The magnitude of bending stress at any
point in an element depends on the following
four factors: the bending moment at the cross-
section in which the point is situated; the size
of the cross-section; the shape of the cross-
section; and the location of the point within
the cross-section. The relationship between
these parameters is,

fby = My/I (A2.3)

where fby = bending stress at a distance y
from the neutral axis of the cross-
section (the axis through the
M = bending moment at the cross-
I = the second moment of area of the
cross-section about the axis
through its centroid; this depends
on both the size and the shape of
the cross-section.

This relationship allows the bending stress at
any location in any element cross-section to be
calculated from the bending moment at that
cross-section. It is equivalent to the axial
stress formula fa = P/A.

Neutral axis

High compressive stress

High tensile stress
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