(Ben Green) #1

Structural Design for Architecture

Initial selection of section size can be based
on the following version of the elastic bending

Zreq = M/fbp (A2.6)

where: Zreq = required modulus of section
M = maximum applied bending
fbp = permissible bending stress

A2.3.4 Sizing of elements subjected to axial
Compression elements are the most problem-
atic to size due to the need to allow for the
phenomenon of buckling. Compressive forces
are inherently unstable because if any eccen-
tricity is present in a compressive system the
action of the forces causes the amount of
eccentricity to increase. For example, in Fig.
A2.2 the internal forces in a simple compres-
sive element are exposed by use of the device
of the imaginary cut. It can be seen from (a)
that the internal force is one of pure axial
compression if the element is perfectly
straight; an axial stress is produced which is
evenly distributed across the cross-section and
the system is in a state of equilibrium. It is,
however, potentially unstable.
If the element is given slight curvature, as in
(b), which might occur due to the presence of a
small lateral disturbance, a couple is produced
by the misalignment of the internal axial
forces. This causes a bending moment to act
on each cross-section. The bending strain
which the curvature generates produces
bending stress which resists the bending
moment and which tends to restore the
element to its original straight condition.
Unlike in a beam, however, the bending
moment and the bending stress which occur
when curvature is introduced into a compres-
sive element are not directly related. The
bending moment is dependent solely on the
magnitude of the applied compressive force
and the amount of eccentricity which is
present. The bending stress is determined by
the bending strain (dependent on the amount
of curvature which has developed) and on the

Fig. A2.3 Stability of a 'perfect' strut (i.e. a compression
element which is straight initially and perfectly aligned
with the load). The condition with respect to stability
depends on the level of applied axial load. If this is small,
as in the first diagram, the strut is stable and will return to
the original condition following a disturbance. If the axial
load is high the strut is unstable and will buckle if
disturbed. The third diagram depicts the situation when
the 'critical' level of load, which occurs at the transition
between these two load ranges, is applied. When the criti-
cal load is applied the strut remains in the displaced
252 position following a disturbance.


Stable state

Unstable state

Critical state

P large

P small

P critical Strut remains
in disturbed


Strut returns
to original

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