(Ben Green) #1
A2.7.2 Tension elements
The area of cross-section required can be
determined from:

Areq = P/fapp (A2.13)

Areq = area of cross-section required. If
the end connection is of the
bolted type the cross-section
selected should be increased by
P = applied axial load
fap - permissible axial stress. This
will depend on the species of
timber. Typical values are:
softwood 4 N/mm^2
laminated timber 6 N/mm^2
hardwood 9 N/mm^2

A2.7.3 Bending elements
Solid rectangular sections
The section modulus required is found from:

Zreq = M/fpb (A2.14)

Zreq = section modulus required (bd^2 /6
for a rectangular cross-section)
M = maximum applied bending
fpb = permissible bending stress.
Typical values for this are,
softwood 6 N/mm^2
laminated timber 12 N/mm^2
hardwood 15 N/mm^2

The deflection is more likely to be critical than
with other materials and should be checked.
Because most timber beams carry distributed
loads, the requirement for adequate stiffness is
satisfied if the following relationship is
complied with:

/req = 4.34WL^2 /E (A2.15)

/req = second moment of area of
cross-section [bdV\2 for a
rectangular cross-section)
W = total applied load
L = span
E = modulus of elasticity of timber.
Typical values for this are:
softwood 8000 N/mm^2
laminated timber 10000 N/mm^2
hardwood 15000 N/mm^2

A2.7.4 Compressive elements
Timber columns and other compressive
elements must be sized from the trial-and-
error procedure outlined in Section A2.4.3. The
permissible stress is determined by the
slenderness ratio. Typical values of permissible
stress are given in Table A2.7.

Table A2.7 Typical permissible compressive
stresses in timber

ratio fpc (N/mm^2 )
Le/r Softwood Laminated timber Hardwood

0 7 8 16
5 6.83 7.80 15.60
10 6.66 7.61 15.22
20 6.27 7.17 14.37
30 5.79 6.62 13.23
40 5.15 5.88 11.76
50 4.35 4.97 9.94
60 3.54 4.05 8.10
70 2.86 3.26 6.53
80 2.31 2.64 5.28
90 1.90 2.17 4.34
100 1.58 1.80 3.60
140 0.85 0.97 1.94
160 0.66 0.75 1.50
200 0.43 0.49 0.97

For rectangular cross-sections, r = 0.288t
t = the smaller of the cross-section dimensions.

Structural Design for Architecture

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