(Ben Green) #1
Structural Design for Architecture


Fig. 3.37 A Mero space frame, supported around its
perimeter, acts as the roof structure in this single-storey
building. Note the vertical-plane diagonal bracing
elements which must be provided in each external wall of
the building. The fully triangulated space framework acts
as horizontal-plane bracing. [Photo: BICC]

is required, and space frames can even be given

an irregular overall form so long as the internal

geometry is fully triangulated.

One of the advantages of the space frame is

that the individual elements are small and

light. The parts can therefore be easily trans-

ported to the site and no large equipment is

required for erection; often the structure can

be assembled at ground level, by bolting or

welding, and subsequently lifted by a jacking

process into its final position. This greatly

simplifies the construction.

The principal disadvantage of the space

frame is its complexity. In particular, the high

degree of geometric complexity makes difficult

the design and manufacture of the joints, and

the high degree of statical indeterminacy

aggravates this problem by requiring that

components be manufactured to small toler-

ances so that the 'lack-of-fit'^12 is minimised.

The difficulties which are associated with

construction can be reduced if a high degree of

standardisation is adopted and the space

frame is a type of structure which can be most

economically produced in the form of a propri-

etary system. A number of these are currently

available and they exploit the potentially high

structural efficiency of the space-frame config-

uration while at the same time allowing a

reasonable level of cost to be achieved through

the standardisation of components and by

means of the economies of production-line

manufacture (Figs 3.38 to 3.41).

Standardisation reduces the structural

12 See Macdonald, Structure and Architecture, Appendix 3 for
an explanation of the 'lack-of-fit' problem.
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