Rave Culture and Religion

(Wang) #1
4 In the anthropology of globalization, the suffix “-scape” signifies transnational
distributions of correlated elements whose display can be represented as landscapes. For
example, transnational arrangements of technological, financial, media, and political
resources can be seen, respectively, as technoscapes, financescapes, mediascapes, and
ideoscapes (Appadurai 1996:33). The prefix “ethno-” refers to “people” rather than
strictly to “ethnicity.”
5 It is estimated that 1–2 million people consume ecstasy every weekend in the U.K.
(Reynolds 1998).
6 In addition, shamanic substances traditionally ministered within “primitive” societies
have been appropriated by Techno and New Age under similar patterns of re-usage
and resignification, as analyzed in this study.


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