Rave Culture and Religion

(Wang) #1

1 In late 1993, on assignment from Details magazine, I visited Goa in order to write
about the psychedelic techno scene there. The piece eventually ran as “Sampling
Paradise” in Option magazine. The present chapter is a reflective remix of the original
2 Interview with the author, December 1993.
3 A good popular introduction to tantra can be found in Feuerstein (1998), while Gopi
Krishna’s personal account (1967) is fascinating for its first-person and profoundly
somatic account of shakti. For a scholarly analysis of the somatic side of traditional
Hindu tantra, see White’s (1996) excellent book.
4 This is a problem with the usual routine of dividing the night between various DJs,
each of whom focuses on his or her own individual set: the overarching development of
the night is usually lost. In this case, a little more “master narrative” may not be such a
bad thing.
5 Daybreak (n.d.: 23).
6 See Bhagavan Das’s freak autobiography, It’s Here Now (Are You?) (1997) for an
exemplary expression of profound spiritual hedonism.
7 Interview with Michael Gosney: http://www.radio-v.com/main/beam/innerviews/
goagil/ (accessed August 10, 2002).
8See Chapter 14.
9 For an interesting discussion of this question inside rave culture, see Tramacchi
(2001). For a general overview, see Forte (1997).


Collis, M. (1943) The Land of the Great Image, New York: New Directions.
Das, B. (1997)It’s Here Now (Are You?), New York: Broadway Books
Daybreak, L. (n.d.) “Shiva,”in Shards of the Diamond Matrix (Katmandhu offset printing,
privately circulated).
Deleuze, G. (1993) “What is desire?,”in Constantin Boundas(ed.) The Deleuze Reader,
Columbia: Columbia University Press.
Deleuze, G. and F.Guattari (1987) A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia, trans.
B.Massumi, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press; first published in Frenchin
ENRG, E. (2001) “Psychic sonics: tribadelic dance trance-formation,”in G.St. John (ed.)
FreeNRG: Notes from the Edge of the Dance Floor, Melbourne: Common
Feuerstein, G. (1998) Tantra: The Path of Ecstasy, Boston, MA, and London: Shambhala.
Forte, R. (ed.) (1997) Entheogens and the Future of Religion, San Francisco: Council on
Spiritual Practices.
Krishna, G. (1967) Kundalini: The Evolutionary Energy in Man, Boston, MA, and London:
Reynolds, S. (1998) Generation Ecstasy: Into the World of Techno and Rave Culture, New
York: Little, Brown & Co.

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