Rave Culture and Religion

(Wang) #1

divination 122
DIY parties 35–8
DJ (magazine) 50, 55
abroad 186;
anonymity of 67;
appreciation of 189;
Christianity and 33;
female 55;
functions of 134, 152;
references to 167;
shamanic 21, 295;
skills of 179n.10;
studies of 168;
techniques of liminality 172–8, 186
Dolmatoff, Rachel 128
doofs 90–3, 122, 297, 138n.3;
‘amazements’ of 138;
counterculture 85;
psychedelic drugs 136;
ritual spaces 133–6;
traditional custodians 227;
volunteerism 298
door policies 70, 90–4, 169, 169–2
Dramas, Fields and Metaphors (Turner) 166
Dreaming Universe 214
Dreamspell calendar 224–9
drug use:
acceptable behaviour 144;
adolescents 148–50;
attitudes to 146–53;
chillum ritual 277–80;
code of conduct 148–50;
concerns about 148;
connectedness 90–3;
deaths 144–7;
designer drugs 143, 158n.3;
effects of 53–5, 107–13, 136;
good and bad 150–3;
health risks 144;
macho atmosphere 53;
motivation 148–52;
novel street drugs 148;
peyote 123–9;
pharmacological aspects 136–40;
prevalence of 145;
ruptures and 71;
sense-enhancing 87–1;

straight ravers and 146, 154, 98n.9;
two-year cycle 244
Durkheim, Émile 86, 86, 92, 94
Durkheim on Religion (Pickering) 82
Duvignaud, Jean 75

Eagleton, T. 48
Earthdance 22, 23, 25, 32, 50
Earthdream 32, 227
earthdreaming 226–31
Earthen spirituality 26
Earthly Bodies (Pike) 17
EarthTribe 225
Eastern influences 23
eboka 129–4, 136, 139n.9
eco-dance consciousness 221
eco-spirituality 223
Eco, Umberto 68
eco-village 225
ecologism 216, 221–5, 227
economics 65
‘experience’ of 107–13;
gnosis of ecstatic flesh 117–1;
ineffability 108–12;
interpretations of 27, 104–9;
and its pleasures 110–15;
and psychoanalysis 112–16;
social relations 137–40;
see also entheogenic rituals
Ecstasy (E) see MDMA (Ecstasy)
effervescence see collective effervescence
ekstasis 19
electricity 86–87
electromagic voodoo 48
electronic healing 22
The Elementary Forms of Religious Life
(Durkheim) 86
‘Elements’ 26
Eleusinian Mysteries 25–8
Eliade, Mircea 75
elsewhere 68–4
embodied nature 87–2
emotional nature 87–2
enactogenesis 23
enchantment see re-enchantment
Energy Enhancement Environments 23

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