Rave Culture and Religion

(Wang) #1

Process, Performance and Pilgrimage (Turner)
processual model 166
productivity 65, 66
propriety 65
psy-trance 257, 258, 264
‘Psychedelic Apocalypse’ 34
psychedelic dance music 134–8
psychedelic drugs 25–8;
eboka 129–4;
fasting 132;
new awareness 154;
peyote 123–9;
and religious revelation 275–8;
yajé 125–9;
see also entheogenic rituals;
LSD (Lysergic acid diethlamide)
psychedelic sentiments 49–2
Psychic TV 253
psychoanalysis 112–16
psychogenesis 114
psychotechnologies 21–4
puppy-piles 138

R’n’ B influences 188
Rainbow Ravers 219
Ramy 19–2
as festive ritual 66;
ideal-types 62;
ideology 144;
musical form 56;
as new religious movement 95–97;
rave-o-lution 18–9, 211;
social atmosphere 91
Rave Culture (Fritz) 93
rave studies 270–4
rave-utopia 28
RavElations, book of 216–3
‘Raver’s Manifesto’ 20
re-enchantment 20, 24–9, 292
re-entry 75
the Real 113
Reclaim the Streets 32
reflexive globalization 241–6
reggae 188
regulatory measures 91, 184, 226, 281

reliance 77
religiology 77, 79n.27
animism 123;
Bwiti 129–4;
collective effervescence 86;
defining 63;
disappearance to shifting 63–8;
festive and ritual 66;
Huichol community 123–9;
influences 106;
instituant and instituted 63–8, 78n.6;
modern views 63;
new religious movements 94–97;
the sacred 75;
Theory of Religion (Bataille) 51;
traditional and tribal 64
renegade parties 36
res cogitans 114
resistance 32, 37, 270
respect 20
Resurrection 34
retribalization 166, 166–8, 202–6
Return to the Source (RTTS) 25
revitalization movements 94
rewinding 189
Reynolds, Simon:
Dionysian paroxysm 30;
gnosis of drug knowledge 105;
MDMA 154;
motorik 53;
music 90, 109, 188, 197, 204;
rave’s meaning 87–1;
utopia 69
Rietveld, Hillegonda 45, 108, 112–16, 167,
rites of passage 25, 31, 84, 122, 124, 169
ceremonial constants 132–40;
death-rebirth 45–8;
division of 69;
entheogenic 122–34;
festive 66, 78n.13;
instituant and instituted 63–8;
psychodrama of 27;
separation rites 170;
writing ritual-ness 167–71;
see also syncretic ritualizing

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