Microsoft Word - Recipes

(Marcin) #1

coconut stuffing. 2 cups fresh coconut grated, 1/2 cup jaggery powder,
one pinch of cardomom powder.
2.Put all these ingredients in a heavy bottomed kadai with 2 table spoon
of water and keep on stirring for about 10 mts or until the moisture
dries. It should not be too dry either. Make small balls about the size
of a cherry. This can be prepared a day or two ahead and stored in the

177. Onion Rice


1 cup rice.
1 medium sized onion.
1/2 cup green peas.
3 minced green chillies.
little garlic.
Mustard and cumin seeds for seasoning.
cut coriander leaves.
salt to taste.


1.Cut onions into thin long slices.
2.Boil the rice separately.
3.Heat oil in a pan and season with mustard and cumin seeds.
4.Add cut onions and green chillies , fry until onion is light brown in
color and add green peas. Pour little water and allow the mixture to
boil till the mixture is dry.
5.Add the boiled rice and coriander leaves into the mixture and mix

178. Aratikaaya Masala Pulusu (Spiced Raw Banana Curry)

Preparation time: 30 minutes

Serves: 4

Required ingredients:

Oil -- 3 tbsp

Black Mustard Seeds -- 1/4 tsp

Curry Leaves -- 8

Red Chili Powder -- 1/2 tsp

Turmeric -- 1/4 tsp

Salt to Taste

Set 1

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