I am most grateful to Yukio for kind permission to use this fictionalised account of
his life story. He read it, I include his suggestions and those of my tutor, Andrew
Samuels (SAP) my colleagues Christopher Perry (SAP), David Freeman (AJA) and
Polly Young-Eisendrath (New York) and especially those of my wife, Carola (SAP).
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Jung, C.G. (1909) The Clark Lectures appear in the CW as follows: CW 2:939–98 ‘The
association method’; 2:999–1014 ‘Family constellations’; and 17:1–79 ‘Psychic conflicts
in a child’.
—— (1953) CW 12:44 ‘Psychology and alchemy’.
—— (1954a) CW 16:470 ‘The psychology of the transference’.
—— (1954b) CW 17:323 ‘The development of the personality’.
—— (1958) CW 11:391 ‘Transformation symbolism in the mass’.
—— (1959) CW 9/1: 392 ‘The phenomenology of the spirit in fairytales’.
—— (1960) CW 8:432 ‘On the nature of the psyche’.
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—— (1971b) CW 6:369–460 ‘The type problem in poetry’.
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