15.4 Conclusions
This chapter on transmission systems has reviewed the physics of corona discharges and discussed their
impact on the design of high-voltage lines, specifically in the selection of the line conductors. The
following conclusions can be drawn.
Corona discharges can develop in different modes, depending on the equilibrium state existing under
a given test condition, between the buildup and removal of ion space charges from the immediate
vicinity of the highly stressed electrode. Three different corona modes—Trichel streamer, negative glow,
and negative streamer—can be observed at the cathode with increasing applied field intensities. With
positive polarity, four different corona modes are observed, namely burst corona, onset streamers,
positive glow, and breakdown streamers.
While all corona modes produce energy losses, the streamer discharges also generate electromagnetic
interference and audible noise in the immediate vicinity of HV lines. These parameters are currently
used to evaluate the corona performance of conductor bundles and to predict the energy losses and
environmental impact of HV lines before their installation.
Adequate control of line corona is obtained by controlling the surface gradient at the line conductors.
The introduction of bundled conductors in 1910 has greatly influenced the development of HV lines to
today’s EHVs.
Commercial software is available to select the bundle configuration: number and size of the sub-
conductors, with respect to corona performances, which can be verified in test cages and lines in the
early stage of new HV-line projects.
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