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(Barry) #1

A house of clay for to be made
For such a guest most mete.

Me thinkes I heare the clarke,
That knoles the carefull knell;
And bids me leave my wearye warke,
Ere nature me compell.

My keepers[2] knit the knot,
That youth doth laugh to scorne,
Of me that shall bee cleane forgot,
As I had ne'er bene borne.

Thus must I youth geve up,
Whose badge I long did weare:
To them I yeld the wanton cup,
That better may it beare.

Lo here the bared skull;
By whose balde signe I know,
That stouping age away shall pull
What youthful yeres did sow.

For Beautie with her band,
These croked cares had wrought,
And shipped me into the land,
From whence I first was brought.

And ye that bide behinde,
Have ye none other trust:
As ye of claye were cast by kinde,
So shall ye turne to dust.


  1. Harl. MSS. Num. 1703, § 25. The text is printed from the "Songs, &c. of the Earl
    of Surrey and others, 1557, 4to."

  2. Alluding perhaps to Eccles. xii. 3.

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