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(Barry) #1

She was borne to be faire; I, to die for her love.
O willow, &c.
Sing, O the greene willow &c.

"O that beauty should harbour a heart that's so hard!
O willow, &c.
My true love rejecting without all regard.
O willow, &c.
Sing, O the greene willow, &c.

"Let love no more boast him in palace, or bower;
O willow, &c.
For women are trothles, and flote in an houre.
O willow, &c.
Sing, O the greene willow, &c.

"But what helps complaining? In vaine I complaine
O willow, &c.
I must patiently suffer her scorne and disdaine.
O willow, &c.
Sing, O the greene willow, &c.

"Come, all you forsaken, and sit down by me,
O willow, &c.
He that 'plaines of his false love, mine's falser than she.
O willow, &c.
Sing, O the greene willow, &c.

"The willow wreath weare I, since my love did fleet;
O willow, &c.
A garland for lovers forsaken most meete.
O willow, &c.
Sing, O the greene willow shall be my garlànd!"


"LOWE lay'd by my sorrow, begot by disdaine;
O willow, willow, willow!
Against her too cruell, still, still I complaine,
O willow, willow, willow!
O willow, willow, willow!
Sing, O the greene willow shall be my garlànd!

"O love too injurious, to wound my poore heart!
O willow, &c.
To suffer the triumph, and joy in my smart:
O willow, &c.
Sing, O the greene willow, &c.

"O willow, willow, willow! the willow garlànd,
O willow, &c.
A sign of her falsenesse before me doth stand:
O willow, &c.
Sing, O the greene willow, &c.

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