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(Barry) #1

X. Corydon's Farewell to Phillis. ...............................................................................

is an attempt to paint a lover's irresolution, but so poorly executed, that it would not
have been admitted into this collection, if it had not been quoted in Shakspeare's
Twelfth Night, act ii. sc. 3.-- It is found in a little ancient miscellany, intitled,The
Golden Garland of Princely Delights, 12mo. black-letter.

In the same scene of theTwelfth Night, Sir Toby sings a scrap of an old ballad,
which is preserved in the Pepys Collection [vol. i. pp. 33, 496.]; but as it is not only a
poor dull performance, but also very long, it will be sufficient here to give the first

"There dwelt a man in Babylon
Of reputation great by fame;
He took to wife a faire woman,
Susanna she was callde by name:
A woman fair and vertuous;
Lady, lady:
Why should we not of her learn thus
To live godly?"
If this song ofCorydon, &c. has not more merit, it is at least an evil of less

FAREWELL, dear love; since thou wilt needs be gone,
Mine eyes do shew, my life is almost done.
Nay I will never die, so long as I can spie
There be many mo, though that she doe goe,
There be many mo, I fear not:
Why then let her goe, I care not.

Farewell, farewell; since this I find is true,
I will not spend more time in wooing you:
But I will seek elsewhere, if I may find love there:
Shall I bid her goe? what and if I doe?
Shall I bid her goe and spare not?
O no, no, no, I dare not.

Ten thousand times farewell;-- yet stay a while:--
Sweet, kiss me once; sweet kisses time beguile:
I have no power to move. How now am I in love?
Wilt thou needs be gone? Go then, all is one.
Wilt thou needs be gone? Oh, hie thee!
Nay stay, and do no more deny me.

Once more adieu, I see loath to depart
Bids oft adieu to her, that holds my heart.
But seeing I must lose thy love, which I did choose,
Goe thy way for me, since that may not be.
Goe thy ways for me. But whither?
Goe, oh, but where I may come thither.

What shall I doe? my love is now departed.
She is as fair, as she is cruel-hearted.

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