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XI. Gernutus, the Jew of Venice. ...............................................................................

In theLife of Pope Sixtus V, translated from the Italian of Greg. Leti by the
Rev. Mr. Farneworth, folio, is a remarkable passage to the following effect:--

"It was reported in Rome, that Drake had taken and plundered St. Domingo in
Hispaniola, and carried off an immense booty. This account came in a private letter to
Paul Secchi, a very considerable merchant in the city, who had large concerns in those
parts, which he had insured. Upon receiving this news, he sent for the insurer
Sampson Ceneda, a Jew, and acquainted him with it. The Jew, whose interest it was to
have such a report thought false, gave many reasons why it could not possibly be true,
and at last worked himself into such a passion, that he said, I'll lay you a pound of
flesh it is a lie. Secchi, who was of a fiery hot temper, replied, I'll lay you a thousand
crowns against a pound of your flesh that it is true. The Jew accepted the wager, and
articles were immediately executed betwixt them, That, if Secchi won, he should
himself cut the flesh with a sharp knife from whatever part of the Jew's body he
pleased. The truth of the account was soon confirmed; and the Jew was almost
distracted, when he was informed, that Secchi had solemnly swore he would compel
him to an exact performance of his contract. A report of this transaction was brought
to the Pope, who sent for the parties, and, being informed of the whole affair, said,
When contracts are made, it is but just they should be fulfilled, as this shall; Take a
knife, therefore, Secchi, and cut a pound of flesh from any part you please of the Jew's
body. We advise you, however, to be very careful; for, if you cut but a scruple more
or less than your due, you shall certainly be hanged."

The Editor of that book is of opinion, that the scene between Shylock and
Antonio in theMerchant of Veniceis taken from this incident. But Mr. Warton, in his
ingeniousObservations on the Faerie Queen, vol. i. page 128, has referred it to the
following ballad. Mr. Warton thinks this ballad was written before Shakspeare's play,
as being not so circumstantial, and having more of the nakedness of an original.
Besides, it differs from the play in many circumstances, which a mere copyist, such as
we may suppose the ballad-maker to be, would hardly have given himself the trouble
to alter. Indeed he expressly informs us, that he had his story from the Italian writers.
-- See theConnoisseur, vol. i. No. 16.

After all, one would he glad to know what authority Leti had for the foregoing
fact, or at least for connecting it with the taking of St. Domingo by Drake; for this
expedition did not happen till 1585, and it is very certain that a play of theJewe,
"representing the greedinesse of worldly chusers, and bloody minds of usurers," had
been exhibited at the play-house calledThe Bullbefore the year 1579, being
mentioned in Steph. Gosson'sSchoole of Abuse,[1] which was printed in that year.

As for Shakspeare'sMerchant of Venice, the earliest edition known of it is in
quarto, 1600; though it had been exhibited in the year 1598, being mentioned,
together with eleven others of his plays, in Mere'sWits Treasury, &c. 1598, 12mo.
Fol. 282.-- See Malone's Shakspere.

The following is printed from an ancient black-letter copy in the Pepys
Collection,[2] intitled, "A new Song, shewing the crueltie of GERNUTUS, a JEWE,
who, lending to a merchant an hundred crowns, would have a pound of his fleshe,
because he could not pay him at the time appointed. To the tune ofBlack and Yellow."

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