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(Barry) #1

(book i. no. i.) was printed off, confirms the accounts there given of the "stagge" and
the "roe."

  1. The four stanzas here inclosed in brackets, which are borrowed chiefly from the
    ancient copy, are offered to the reader instead of the following lines, which occur it
    the editor's fol MS.

"To drive the deere with hound and horne,
Douglas bade on the bent;
Two captaines moved with mickle might
Their speres to shivers went."

  1. Sc. the Curfew bell, usually rung at 8 o'clock: to which the modernizer apparently
    alludes, instead of theEvensong-bell, or bell for vespers of the original author, before
    the Reformation.

  2. For the surnames, see the note above.

8.i.e."I, as one in deep concern, must lament." The construction here has generally
been misunderstood. The old MS. readswofull dumpes.

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