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(Barry) #1

Than thinke a Douglas can he false,
Or ever he will his guest betray."

"If you'll give me no trust, my lord,
Nor unto mee no credence yield;
Yet step one moment here aside,
Ile showe you all your foes in field."

"Lady, I never loved witchcraft,
Never dealt in privy wyle;
But evermore held the high-waye
Of truth and honour, free from guile."

"If you'll not come yourselfe, my lorde,
Yet send your chamberlaine with mee;
Let me but speak three words with him,
And he shall come again to thee."

James Swynard with that lady went,
She showed him through the weme of her ring
How many English lords there were
Waiting for his master and him.

"And who walkes yonder, my good lady,
So royallyè on yonder greene?"
"O yonder is the Lord Hunsden:[6]
Alas! he'll doe you drie and teene."

"And who beth yonder, thou gay ladye,
That walkes so proudly him beside?"
"That is Sir William Drury,[7] shee sayd,
A keene captaine hee is and tryde."

"How many miles is itt, madame,
Betwixt yon English lords and mee?"
"Marry it is thrice fifty miles,
To saile to them upon the sea.

"I never was on English ground,
Ne never save it with mine eye,
But as my book it sheweth mee,
And through my ring I may descrye.

"My mother shee was a witch ladye,
And of her skille she learned mee:
She wold let me see out of Lough-leven
What they did in London citie."

"But who is yond, thou lady faire,
That looketh with sic an austerne face?"
"Yonder is Sir John Foster,"[8] quoth shee,
"Alas! he'll do ye sore disgrace."

He pulled his hatt down over his browe;
He wept; in his heart he was full of woe:

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