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(Barry) #1

XIV. The Witch of Wokey.........................................................................................

This ballad was published in a small collection of poems, intitled,Euthemia,
or the Power of Harmony,&c., 1756, written, in 1748, by the ingenious Dr.
Harrington, of Bath, who never allowed them to be published, and withheld his name
till it could no longer be concealed. The following contains some variations from the
original copy, which it is hoped the reader will pardon, when he is informed they
come from the elegant pen of the late Mr. Shenstone.

Wokey-hole is a noted cavern in Somersetshire, which has given birth to as
many wild fanciful stories as the Sybil's Cave, in Italy. Through a very narrow
entrance, it opens into a very large vault the roof whereof, either on account of its
height, or the thickness of the gloom, cannot be discovered by the light of torches. It
goes winding a great way under ground, is crost by a stream of very cold water, and is
all horrid with broken pieces of rock: many of these are evident petrifactions; which,
on account of their singular forms, have given rise to the fables alluded to in this

IN aunciente days tradition showes
A base and wicked elfe arose,
The Witch of Wokey hight:
Oft have I heard the fearfull tale
From Sue, and Roger of the vale,
On some long winter's night.

Deep in the dreary dismall cell,
Which seem'd and was ycleped hell,
This blear-eyed hag did hide:
Nine wicked elves, as legends sayne,
She chose to form her guardian trayne,
And kennel near her side.

Here screeching owls oft made their nest,
While wolves its craggy sides possest,
Night-howling thro' the rock:
No wholesome herb could here be found;
She blasted every plant around,
And blister'd every flock.

Her haggard face was foull to see;
Her mouth unmeet a mouth to bee;
Her eyne of deadly leer,
She nought devis'd, but neighbour's ill
She wreak'd on all her wayward will,
And marr'd all goodly chear.

All in her prime, have poets sung,
No gaudy youth, gallant and young,
E'er blest her longing armes;
And hence arose her spight to vex,
And blast the youth of either sex,
By dint of hellish charms.

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