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(Barry) #1
Y tambien te tratare,
Como a mi me tratabas."
'Sayavedra que lo oyera,
Al Moro bolvio la cara
Tirole el Moro una flecha,
Pero nunca la acertaba.
'Hiriole Sayavedra
De una herida muy mala:
Muerto cayo el Renegado
Sin poder hablar palabra.
'Sayavedra fue cercado
De mucha Mora canalla,
Y al cabo cayo alli muerto
De una muy mala lançada.
'Don Alonso en este tiempo
Bravamente peleava,
Y el cavallo le avian muerto,
Y le tiene por muralla.
'Mas cargaron tantos Moros
Que mal le hieren y tratan:
De la sangre, que perdia,
Don Alonso se desmaya.
Al fin, al fin cayo muerto
Al pie de un pena alta.--
-- Muerto queda don Alonso,
Eterna fama ganara.'
* * * * * * *

Thou shalt drink that cup of sorrow,
Which I drank when I was thine."
Like a lion turns the warrior,
Back he sends an angry glare:
Whizzing came the Moorish javelin,
Vainly whizzing through the air.
Back the hero full of fury
Sent a deep and mortal wound;
Instant sunk the Renegado,
Mute and lifeless on the ground.
With a thousand Moors surrounded,
Brave Saavedra stands at bay:
Wearied out but never daunted,
Cold at length the warrior lay.
Near him fighting great Alonzo
Stout resists the Paynim bands;
From his slaughter'd steed dismounted
Firm intrench'd behind him stands.
Furious press the hostile squadron,
Furious he repels their rage:
Loss of blood at length enfeebles:
Who can war with thousands wage
Where yon rock the plain o'ershadows,
Close beneath its foot retir'd,
Fainting sunk the bleeding hero,
And without a groan expir'd.
* * * * * * *

***In the Spanish original of the foregoing ballad, follow a few more stanzas, but

being of inferior merit were not translated.

Renegadoproperly signifies an Apostate; but it is sometimes used to express
an Infidel in general; as it seems to do above in ver. 21, &c.

The image of theLion, &c. in ver. 37, is taken from the other Spanish copy,
the rhymes of which end in IA, viz.

"Sayavedra, que lo oyera,
Como un leon rebolbia."


1.i.e.the ballad-singer.

  1. Literally, Green river, green river. Rio Verde is said to be the name of a river in
    Spain; which ought to have been attended to by the translator had he known it.

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