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(Barry) #1

The Turnament of Tottenham;
[1] It does honour to the good sense of this nation, that while all Europe was
captivated with the bewitching charms of chivalry and romance, two of our writers in
the rudest times could see through the false glare that surrounded them, and discover
whatever was absurd in them both. Chaucer wrote his rhyme of Sir Thopas in ridicule
of the latter; and in the following poem we have a humorous burlesque of the former.
Without pretending to decide whether the institution of chivalry was upon the whole
useful or pernicious in the rude ages, a question that has lately employed many good
writers,[2] it evidently encouraged a vindictive spirit, and gave such force to the
custom of duelling, that there is little hope of its being abolished. This, together with
the fatal consequences which often attended the diversion of the Turnament, was
sufficient to render it obnoxious to the graver part of mankind. Accordingly the
Church early denounced its censures against it, and the State was often prevailed on to
attempt its suppression. But fashion and opinion are superior to authority: and the
proclamations against tilting were as little regarded in those times, as the laws against
duelling are in these. This did not escape the discernment of our poet, who easily
perceived that inveterate opinions must be attacked by other weapons, besides
proclamations and censures; he accordingly made use of the keen one of ridicule.
With this view he has here introduced with admirable humour a parcel of clowns,
imitating all the solemnities of the Tourney. Here we have the regular challenge -- the
appointed day -- the lady for the prize -- the formal preparations -- the display of
armour -- the scutcheons and devices -- the oaths taken on entering the lists -- the
various accidents of the encounter -- the victor leading off the prize -- and the
magnificent feasting -- with all the other solemn fopperies that usually attended the
pompous Turnament. And how acutely the sharpness of the author's humour must
have been felt in those days, we may learn from what we can perceive of its keenness
now, when time has so much blunted the edge of its ridicule.

The Turnament of Tottenham was first printed from an ancient manuscript in
1631, 4to., by the Rev. Wilhelm Bedwell, rector of Tottenham, who was one of the
translators of the Bible. He tells us, it was written by Gilbert Pilkington, thought to
have been some time parson of the same parish, and author of another piece, intitled,
Passio Domini Jesu Christi.Bedwell, who was eminently skilled in the oriental and
other languages, appears to have been but little conversant with the ancient writers of
his own; and he so little entered into the spirit of the poem he was publishing, that he
contends for its being a serious narrative of a real event, and thinks it must have been
written before the time of Edward III. because Turnaments were prohibited in that
reign. "I do verily believe," says he, "that this Turnament was acted before this
proclamation of King Edward. For how durst any to attempt to do that, although in
sport, which was so straightly forbidden, both by the civill and ecclesiasticall power?
For although they fought not with lances, yet, as our author sayth, 'It was no childrens
game.' And what would have become of him, thinke you, which should have slayne
another in this manner of jesting? Would he not, trow you,have been hang'd for it in
earnest? yea, and have bene buried like a dogge?" It is, however, well known that
Turnaments were in use down to the reign of Elizabeth.

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