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(Barry) #1

Perkyn wan five, and Hud wan twa
Glad and blythe thay ware, that they had don sa;
Thay wold have tham to Tyb, and present hur with tha
The Capulls were so wery, that thay myzt not ga,
But styl gon thay stond.
"Alas!" quoth Hudde, "my joye I lese;
Mee had lever then a ston of chese,
That dere Tyb had al these,
And wyst it were my sond."

Perkyn turnyd hym about in that ych thrang,
Among those wery boyes he wrest and he wrang;
He threw tham doun to the erth, and thrast tham amang,
When he saw Tyrry away with Tyb fang,
And after hym ran;
Off his horse he hym drogh,
And gaf hym of hys flayl inogh:
"We te he!" quoth Tyb, and lugh,
"Ye er a dughty man."

Thus thay tugged, and rugged, tyl yt was nere nyzt:
All the wyves of Tottenham came to se that syzt
Wyth wyspes, and kexis, and ryschys there lyzt,
To fetch hom ther husbandes, that were tham trouth plyzt;
And sum brozt gretharwos,
Ther husbandes hom to fetch,
Sum on dores, and sum on hech,
Sum on hyrdyllys, and some on crech,
And sum on whele-barows.

They gaderyd Perkyn about, on everych syde,
And grant hym ther the gre, the more was hys pryde:
Tyb and he wyth gret mirth, hom ward con thay ryde,
And were al nyzt togedyr, tyl the morn tyde;
And thay to church went:
So wele hys nedys he has sped,
That dere Tyb he hath wed;
The prayse-folks that hur led,
Were of the Turnament.

To that ylk fest com many for the nones;
Some come hyphalte, and sum trippand thither on the stonys
Sum a star in hys hand, and sum two at onys;
Of sum where the hedes broken, of some the schulder bonys;
With sorrow came thay thedyr.
Wo was Hawkyn, wo was Herry,
Wo was Tomkyn, wo was Terry,
And so was all the bachelary,
When thay met togedyr.

[5] At that fest thay wer servyd with a ryche aray,
Every five and fyve had a cokenay;

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