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(Barry) #1

A barons daughter be,
Yet have you proved howe I you loved
A squyer of lowe degre;
And ever shall, whatso befall;
To dy therefore[3] anone;
For, in my mynde, of all mankynde
I love but you alone."


"A barons chylde to be begylde!
It were a cursed dede,
To be felàwe with an outlawe!
Almighty God forbede!
Yet beter were, the pore squyère
Alone to forest yede,
Than ye sholde say another day,
That, by my cursed dede,
Ye were betray'd: Wherfore, good mayd,
The best rede that I can,
Is, that I to the grene wode go
Alone, a banyshed man."


"Whatever befall, I never shall
Of this thyng you upbraid;
But yf ye go, and leve me so,
Than have ye me betrayd.
Remember you wele, bowe that ye dele;
For, yf ye, as ye sayd,
Be so unkynde, to leve behynde,
Your love, the Not-browne Mayd,
Trust me truly, that I shall dy
Sone after ye be gone;
For, in my mynde, of all mankynde
I love but you alone."


"Yf that ye went, ye sholde repent;
For in the forest nowe
I have purvayed me of a mayd,
Whom I love more than you;
Another fayrere, than ever ye were,
I dare it wele avowe;
And of you bothe eche sholde be wrothe
With other, as I trowe:
It were myne ese, to live in pese;
So wyll I, yf I can;
Wherfore I to the wode wyll go
Alone, a banyshed man."

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