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(Barry) #1

"But if it be false, Sir Aldingar,
As God nowe grant it bee!
Thy body, I sweare by the holye rood,
Shall hang on the gallows tree."

He brought our king to the queenes chambèr,
And opend to him the dore.
"A lodlye love," King Harry says,
"For our queene dame Elinore!

"If thou were a man, as thou art none,
Here on my sword thoust dye;
But a payre of new gallowes shall be built,
And there shalt thou hang on hye."

Forth then hyed our king, I wysse,
And an angry man was hee;
And soone he found Queene Elinore,
That bride so bright of blee.

"Now God you save, our queene, madame,
And Christ you save and see;
Heere you have chosen a newe newe love,
And you will have none of mee.

"If you had chosen a right good knight,
The lesse had been your shame:
But you have chose you a lazar man,
A lazar both blinde and lame.

"Therfore a fyer there shalt be built,
And brent all shalt thou bee."
"Now out alacke!" said our comly queene,
"Sir Aldingar's false to mee.

"Now out alacke!" sayd our comlye queene,
"My heart with griefe will brast.
I had thought swevens had never been true
I have proved them true at last.

"I dreamt in my sweven on Thursday eve,
In my bed wheras I laye,
I dreamt a grype and a grimlie beast
Had carryed my crowne awaye;

"My gorgett and my kirtle of golde,
And all my faire head-geere:
And he wold worrye me with his tush
And to his nest y-beare

"Saving there came a little gray hawke,
A merlin him they call,
Which untill the grounde did strike the grype,
That dead he downe did fall.

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