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(Barry) #1

Gentle Herdsman, tell to Me.
The scene of this beautiful old ballad is laid near Walsingham, in Norfolk,
where was anciently an image of the Virgin Mary, famous all over Europe for the
numerous pilgrimages made to it, and the great riches it possessed. Erasmus has given
a very exact and humorous description of the superstitions practised there in his time.
See his account of the Virgo Parathalassia, in his colloquy, intitledPeregrinatio
Religionis ergo. He tells us, the rich offerings in silver, gold, and precious stones, that
were there shewn him, were incredible, there being scarce a person of any note in
England, but what some time or other paid a visit, or sent a present, to Our Lady of
Walsingham.[1] At the dissolution of the monasteries in 1538, this splendid image,
with another from Ipswich, was carried to Chelsea, and there burnt in the presence of
commissioners; who, we trust, did not burn the jewels and the finery.

This poem is printed from a copy in the Editor's folio manuscript which had
greatly suffered by the hand of time; but vestiges of several of the lines remaining,
some conjectural supplements have been attempted, which, for greater exactness, are
in this one ballad distinguished by italics.

GENTLE heardsman, tell to me,
Of curtesy I thee pray,
Unto the towne of Walsingham
Which is the right and ready way.

"Unto the towne of Walsingham
The way is hard for to be gon;
And verry crooked are those pathes
For you to find out all alone."

"Weere the miles doubled thrise,
And the way never soe ill,
Itt were not enough for mine offence;
Itt is soe grievous and soe ill."

"Thy yeeares are young, thy face is faire,
Thy witts are weake, thy thoughts are greene;
Time hath not given thee leave, as yett,
For to committ so great a sinne."

"Yes, heardsman, yes, soe wouldst thou say,
If thou knewest soe much as I;
My witts, and thoughts, and all the rest,
Have well deserved for to dye.

"I am not what I seeme to bee,
My clothes and sexe doe differ farr
I am a woman, woe is me!
Bornto greeffe and irksome care.

"Formy beloved, and well-beloved,
My wayward cruelty could kill
And though my teases will nought avail,
Most dearely I bewail himstill.

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