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(Barry) #1

Thus both attired then they goe:
When they came to Whitehall,
The bells did ring, and the quiristers sing,
And the torches did lighte them all.

When that they came before the queene
They fell on their bended knee;
"A boone, a boone, our gracious queene,
That you sent so hastilee."

"Are you two fryars of France," she sayd,
"As I suppose you bee?
But if you are two Englishe fryars,
You shall hang on the gallowes tree."

"We are two fryars of France, they sayd,
As you suppose we bee,
We have not been at any masse
Sith we came from the sea."

"The first vile thing that ever I did
I will to you unfolde;
Earl marshall had my maidenhed,
Beneath this cloth of golde."

"Thats a vile sinne," then sayd the king,
"May God forgive it thee!"
"Amen, amen," quoth Earl Marshall;
With a heavye heart spake hee.

"The next vile thing that ever I did,
To you Ile not denye,
I made a boxe of poyson strong,
To poison King Henrye."

"Thats a vile sinne, then sayd the king,
"May God forgive it thee!"
"Amen, amen," quoth earl marshall;
"And I wish it so may bee."

"The next vile thing that ever I did,
To you I will discover;
I poysoned fair Rosamonde,
All in fair Woodstocke bower."

"Thats a vile sinne," then sayd the king;
"May God forgive it thee!"
"Amen, amen," quoth Earl Marshall;
"And I wish it so may bee."

"Do you see yonders little boye,
A tossing of the balle?
That is earl marshalls eldest sonne,[1]
And I love him the best of all.

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