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(Barry) #1

X. The Beggar's Daughter of Bednall-Green. ............................................................

This popular old ballad was written in the reign of Elizabeth, as appears not
only from ver. 23, where the arms of England are called the "Queenes armes," but
from its tune's being quoted in other old pieces, written in her time.-- See the ballad of
Mary Ambree, Book v. No. 19. The late Mr. Guthrie assured the Editor, that he had
formerly seen another old song on the same subject, composed in a different measure
from this; which was truly beautiful, if we may judge from the only stanza he
remembered. In this it was said of the old Beggar, that "down his neck

"-- his reverend lockes
In comelye curles did wave
And on his aged temples grewe
The blossomes of the grave."
The following ballad is chiefly given from the Editor's folio manuscript,
compared with two ancient printed copies: the concluding stanzas, which contain the
old Beggar's discovery of himself, are not however given from any of these, being
very different from those of the vulgar ballad. Nor yet does the Editor offer them as
genuine, but as a modern attempt to remove the absurdities and inconsistencies, which
so remarkably prevailed in this part of the song, as it stood before: whereas, by the
alteration of a few lines, the story is rendered much more affecting, and is reconciled
to probability and true history. For this informs us, that at the decisive battle of
Evesham, (fought August 4, 1265) when Simon de Montfort, the great Earl of
Leicester, was slain at the head of the barons, his eldest son Henry fell by his side,
and, in consequence of that defeat, his whole family sunk for ever, the king bestowing
their great honours and possessions on his second son, Edmund Earl of Lancaster.


ITT was a blind beggar, had long lost his sight,
He had a faire daughter of bewty most bright;
And many a gallant brave suiter had shee,
For none was soe comelye as pretty Bessee.

And though shee was of favor most faire,
Yett seeing shee was but a poor beggars heyre,
Of ancyent housekeepers despised was shee,
Whose sonnes came as suitors to prettye Bessee.

Wherefore in great sorrow faire Bessy did say,
"Good father, and mother, let me goe away
To seeke out my fortune, whatever itt bee."
This suite then they granted to prettye Bessee.

Then Bessy, that was of bewtye soe bright,
All cladd in gray russett, and late in the night
From father and mother alone parted shee;
Who sighed and sobbed for prettye Bessee.

Shee went till shee came to Stratford-le-Bow;
Then knew shee not whither, nor which way to goe:
With teares shee lamented her hard destinie,
So sadd and soe heavy was pretty Bessee.

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